6590 S Williams Circle, Centennial CO 80121


  • Sold
  • #SingleFamily
  • #Southglenn1stFlg


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6590 S Williams Circle, Centennial CO 80121

Check the location on this rare walk-out tri-level! Live within walking distance of shopping, restaurants, parks, rec center and ice arena! The updated home is located on a large plot on a quiet circle, right next to the Streets at Southglenn shopping, the South Suburban Parks & Recreation and the Highline Canal Trails. The custom built kitchen has been nicely updated with granite counters and newer appliances and features plenty of storage and a beautiful large island. The spacious open floor plan offers a ton of potential. A newer 4tab roof and newer windows will keep you worry free for years to come. Added insulation in attic and walls will keep the bills down.

Listing Broker

Peter Hauben

Peter Hauben

Principal Broker

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